Federal Census WIKI
1830 Census: head of household, number by age group, deaf, dumb, blind, aliens
1840 Census: head of household, number by age group, deaf, dumb, military service, class of industry/occupation, in school, can’t read and write
1850 Census: name; age; sex; race; occupation; real estate value; birthplace; married within year; attended school; over 20 & illiterate; deaf, dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
1860 Census: name; age; sex; race; occupation; real estate value; birthplace; married within year; attended school; over 20 & illiterate; deaf, dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
1870 Census: name; age; sex; race; occupation; real estate value; personal estate value; birthplace; father foreign born; mother foreign born; month born within year; month married within year; attended school; cannot read; cannot write; deaf, dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic; male over 21 US citizen; male citizen over 21 voting rights denied
1880 Census: street name, house number, bldg. visitation #, family visitation #; name; race; sex; age; month born within year; relationship; marital status; married within year; occupation; # mo unemployed; sick on numeration day; blind; deaf and dumb; idiotic; insane; maimed, crippled, bedridden, disabled; attended school; cannot read; cannot write; birthplace; father’s birthplace; mother’s birthplace
1890 Census: mostly lost
1900 Census: street; house #; bldg. visitation #; visitation #; name; relation; race; sex; birth month; birth year; age; marital status; ys married; # children; # living children; birth place; father’s birthplace; mother’s birthplace; immigration year; # yrs in US; naturalization; occupation; mo unemployed; reads; writes; speaks English; own/rent; farm/house; # farm schedule
1910 Census: street; house #; bldg. visitation #; visitation #; name; relation; sex; race; age; marital status; yrs married; # children; # living children; birthplace; father’s birthplace; mother’s birthplace; yr immigrated; naturalized/alien; speaks English; occupation; industry nature; employee/employer; unemployed 4/15/10; weeks unemployed; reads; writes; attended school; own/rent; owned/ mortgaged; farm/house; farm schedule #; survivor of Union or Confederate Army or Navy; deaf or dumb
1920 Census: street; house #; bldg visitation #; visitation #; name; relation; own/rent; own/mortgage; sex; race; age; marital status; yr immigrated; naturalized/alien; yr naturalized; attended school; reads; writes; birthplace; mother tongue; father’s birthplace; father’s mother tongue; mother’s birthplace; mother’s mother tongue; speaks English; occupation; industry; employee/employer; farm schedule #
1930 Census: street; house #; bldg. visitation #; visitation #; name; relation; own/rent; home value/rent; radio; farm; sex; race; age; marital status; age @ first marriage; attended school; reads & writes; birthplace; father’s birthplace; mother’s birthplace; mother tongue; code; code; code; yr immigrated; naturalize/alien; speaks English; occupation; industry; code; worker?; employed; unemployment line #; US veteran; what war/expedition; farm schedule #
1940 Census: street; house #; visitation #; own/rent; home value/rent; farm: name; relation; code; sex; race; age; marital status; attended school; highest grade completed; code; birthplace; code; citizenship; residence 4/1/35 (city, county, state, farm, code); employed 3/24/30; WPA, etc; sought work; employed; hrs worked 3/24-30/40; unemployed wks; occupation; industry; class; code; wks worked in 1939; 1930 income; non-work income; farm schedule #
1950 Census: house #; unit #; farm; 3/more acres; agriculture #; name; relation; race; sex; age; marital status; birthplace; naturalized; work, house keep, unable to work; work in last week; seeking work; employed; hr worked last week; occupation; industry; worker class. supplemental questions; state lived in prior yr; parents’ birthplace; highest grade completed; attended school; work related questions; serve in WWII, WW I, at other time